Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Customizing Global Settings for Virtual Capture

While institutions are able to configure many attributes of each Virtual Capture instance in the Virtual Capture Settings page, the ability to apply changes to various settings outside of the user interface is also available to provide the ability to further customize the look and feel of the application experience in each instance of Virtual Capture.

Upon installing Virtual Capture, each institution is provided with a Settings file that includes the default settings for various global parameters, such as the text that appears within buttons on the Product Selection page, and the title of the link to Product Selection in the top navigation bar. If desired, the parameters in this file can be copied and placed in a custom file on the server for each Virtual Capture instance to allow institutions to update the default settings to values that better meet their business needs.

Virtual Capture Parameters

Reference the table below for an overview of the parameters that are included in the Virtual Capture Settings file for each instance configured for an institution:

Name Description Default Value

If one or more custom JavaScript is included, this parameter identifies the URL(s) to the custom JavaScript file(s) for a Virtual Capture instance.

If desired, institutions can include one or more custom JavaScript by adding the URLs for the JavaScript files to this parameter in the Custom Settings file.
For information on defining CustomScript to add Google Analytics to Virtual Capture, please see the Adding Google Analytics to Virtual Capture topic in this guide.

If one or more custom CSS elements are included, this parameter identifies the URL(s) to the custom CSS file(s) for a Virtual Capture instance.

If desired, institutions can include one or more custom CSS elements by adding the URLs for the CSS files to this parameter in the Custom Settings file.
HideUserCommentBox This parameter identifies whether the Comments box displays within Virtual Capture.

Setting this parameter to True enables the user comment box to be displayed and utilized by applicants in Virtual Capture. If this parameter is set to false, the user comment box does not appear within the instance of Virtual Capture.



When the Comments Box is enabled, its appearance depends on the size of the screen. If viewing on a small device, the Comments Box displays as a panel.


If viewing on a large device, the Comments Box appears on the right side of the screen.


When the Comments Box is disabled and viewing on a large device, the Comments Box does not display to applicants and the Virtual Capture screen instructions moves up and occupies the entire right side.



When the Comments Box is disabled and instructions have not been defined for the screen, the right side is hidden and the application screen occupies the entire width of Virtual Capture.


ProductSelection.NavbarLinkText This parameter identifies the title of the link to the Product Selection page which displays in the top navigation bar in Virtual Capture.




For institutions that use the Account Origination module -This parameter identifies the URL to the image that displays for the product cart in Virtual Capture.

When this image is updated in a Custom folder, a max-width of 50px is applied to the new image.




ProductSelection.CartApplyNowText For institutions that use the Account Origination module -This parameter identifies the text that appears for the button that creates the application from the product cart.

Apply Now!


ProductSelection.CartProductTermName For institutions that use the Account Origination module -This parameter identifies the text that appears in the badge next to the cart image. This badge displays the number of products that have been added to the product cart.



ProductSelection.CartProductTermNamePlural For institutions that use the Account Origination module - This parameter identifies the plural text that appears in the badge next to the cart image when the cart is empty, or includes more than one product.



ProductSelection.CartEmptyText For institutions that use the Account Origination module - This parameter identifies the message that displays on the Product Selection page when an empty cart is expanded in a small device.

Add products by clicking the Select buttons.


ProductSelection.CartOrganizeBySubCategory For institutions that use the Account Origination module - This parameter identifies how products are organized in the cart.



When this parameter is set to the default value of false, products are organized by Category in the product cart as shown in the following example:

If this parameter is set to true, products are organized by Sub Category. 

ProductSelection.SingleSelectText For institutions that use the Account Origination module - This parameter identifies the text that appears for the add button on a product card, when only one instance of the product is allowed on the application.



ProductSelection.SingleSelectedText For institutions that use the Account Origination or Origination module - This parameter identifies the text that appears for the add button on a product card after a product which only allows one instance is added to the product cart.



ProductSelection.LoanOnlySelectText For institutions that only use the Loan Origination module - This parameter identifies the text that appears within the button to select a loan product.

Apply Now!


ProductSelection.LoanAlreadySelectedText For institutions that use the Loan Origination or Origination module - This parameter identifies the message that is displayed if an applicant selects a loan product after a loan has already been selected for the application.

Another loan is already selected, and you may only have one loan. Which loan do you want to keep?



For institutions that use the Account Origination or Origination module - This parameter identifies the text that displays for the button that adds account products to the cart from the Account Product screen.

Add Products


ProductSelection.CartUpdateProducts.Text For institutions that use the Account Origination or Origination module - This parameter identifies the text that displays for the button that updates the application to include the account products in the cart.

Update Products


Customizing Values in the Settings File

The default Virtual Capture Settings file can be found on the server where Virtual Capture is installed for the institution: <Institution server path>\Resources\Settings.json. 

This file contains the default settings for the Virtual Capture parameters; therefore, any desired updates to the parameters must be added to a Custom file.

To override the default parameters within the Settings file:

Virtual Capture loads the default settings file for an instance first, and then checks for and loads the Custom file to overwrite the default values. If the instance uses the default settings from another instance, or has a parent, the system overrides the values in the parent file, as well as the general Settings.json file. 

All configurations within the parent file are overwritten with the exception of CustomScript and CustomCSS. Those settings are merged to the Custom file being created. 



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